about us

why it works


1. Our programs are practical, effective, and fun, but above all they are immediately applicable and unforgetable. Learning is anchored profoundly into long term memory.

2. Quick profound and lasting results, which would take traditional leadership programs much longer to achieve. The horses are catalyst. You will spend less to swiftly learn much more.

3. Working with horses, is a fast and fun way to rapidly perfect your leadership skills, to learn new comunications skills, and to open up new perspectives. The learning experience happens at a profound emotional and cognitive level. Horses do not communicate verbally, they don´t allow us to pretend or cheat. They only connect with the authentic person, and act as your mirror. The lessons are undeniable.

4. Our Coaching is Situational: We evaluate the stuation, set the objectives and the focus you want and need, and take that as the starting point to develop a tailor made program for you, your teams, or your company. With EQiLeader you will resolve in days what could cost you months of distraction to discover.

5. We understand the Corporate and the Education world, because we have several decades of experience particpating actively and from different angles in both. We understand the contexts, the challenges, and the need for swift, profound, effective and lasting solutions.

6. An International Network of support has made it possibe for companies, organizations and institutions at a global level to work with our leadership development approach. This network allows us to offer our customers both local and global solutions.(see clients) .

7. Our guarantee. We are so sure of the results that we offer a guarantee: your people will learn, or we will return your investment.

Horses have the extraordinary capacidad to perceive our anemic state, emotions, and intentions. They collaborate when we are clear and when they trust.

colaboracion hector

Learning begins where

the comfort zone ends


coaching with horses

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