

Our Goal is to offer companies high impact, fast and effective development programs to help their teams attain excellence. EQiTeam is a powerful and unique experience of team work with horses.

A lot of team building development programs focus on what we do in the teams. EQiTeam is different. Working with horses we focus on who and how you are in the team, the effect your interaction has on the team. This learning does not come from roll play or simulation. It it is the result of working with a big strong animal.

We work with the elements that truly count in team work: clear purpose, awareness, trust in oneself and others, and the importance of leadership dynamics in a team.

Guarantee: We guarantee that this experience will generate a positive change in your teams. We work with horses but this workshop is about people.

At the end of the EQiTeam programme the members of your Team will:




the same vision
for the same project


This is the last of the four EQiTeams worshops and is only available to people who participated in the first three workshops.
This is a one day program During this day we elevate the experience to an enhanced level of awareness with a special focus on Equimapping.

This is an ideal independent follow-up workshop, which you can rely on each time you feel the need for your teams to work on a specific issue, team integration, a new product or project, productivity, balance, change, or anything that needs special attention.



New Team?
New product?
New Project?

When you need to develop efficient and coherent teams, EQiLeader is you best option for swift but lasting results!


"... in this workshop we looked at each other as if we had just met for the first time. I am very grateful. I can truly recommend this ...."



Group Coaching

Groups: minimum 4 particpants

Video: every particpant will receive a video containing the most significant moments of the sessions.


Retiro (1x3 day retreat)
Suspiro (2x 2 day retreat)
Express (4x1 day session)
(see program)

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