Our goal is to support companies to achieve excelence with their executives, their teams and their sales force through high impact, fast and effective development program. EQiLEADER is a unique and powerful program. It is live experience in leadership, communication and efficiency.
EQiLEADER Coaching is different because by working with horses we focus in how and who we are as leaders and not in what we do. Starting from this self-awareness we focus on the most important elements of leadership that really matter: congruency, clarity of purpose, awareness, conviction, charisma and trust.
With EQiLEADER you don’t learn through games or role-plays; you learn with big strong animals that will only respond to you if they trust you.
EQiLeader Coaching Goals:
We guarantee that this experience will generate a positive change in your leaders.
We work with horses but this workshop is about people.
Companies |
Organizations |
Institutions |
Senior Management |
Managers |
Teams |
Human Resource |
Sales Force |
Departaments |
when brilliant minds join in conspiration around the same mission.
Conference Kick-off Looking for something that will really make a profound impact on your next annual conference, management training, team development or change management workshop? With EQiLeader you will achieve that, swiftly and efficiently, with a proven concept, and no risk. Your people will get a unique emotional and motivational experience, while our program will be linked exactly to the theme you want. EQiLeader provides one of the most innovative and successful Leadership and Team Development programs available. It will be unforgetable! |
"....after the merger we had many issues, mainly because of communication. Our company tried several leadership programs. Working with your horses made a huge difference..." |
"....the workshop helped us see the new strategy. The incredible thing was that the whole group saw, and eexperienced the same thing..." |
"....This was incredible. I have no words. We all agree, after this nothing will be the same..." |
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