leadership & horses


Horse-sense means common sense. It's about developing your leadership consciousness.

It's about true willingness versus compliance: Leadership isn't just about getting people from one place to the other. Leadership is about how we lead, how we are perceived, how we are received - are we aware of our body language, our attitude and our tone of voice. Our approach reflects those qualities, the language a horse understands. A horse shows us what we truly need to do to inspire and lead people.

It's about understanding how to inspire people: Everything means something, nothing means nothing. Communication is not only about what we say but also about how we say it. A horse cdoesn´t care about your title or position, only how much you care. Power is not an option, earn the authority to lead and your effort is rewarded.

It's about finding comfort in being able to face each other with trust and respect: The exercise "Face to Face with Horses" has an immediate impact on your awareness. The horse will react to you exactly as you present yourself, reflecting your leadership style, how it's perceived and received.

It's about creating the desire to be partners: Looking at communication from another's perspective can initiate profound change in one day. Looking at processes and process management from an integral perspective will open horizons.

It's about focus; acting and reacting with total awareness: The exercise "Distance and Nearness" is about the importance of integrity and trust through open, honest communication.

It's about team spirit, it's about collaboration, joy, fun, and self development in your place of business.

It's about experiencing success as well as "success behind success", as Fred Kofman puts it in "Conscious Business, How to build Values throuh Values". (Editorial Sounds True INC, Boulder CO 80306, copyright Fred Kofman 2006)

Integral learning with horses is one of the most effective team building activities you'll ever experience. The interactive approach used in EQiTeams makes the workshop "Reaching Goals together" one of the most exiting workshops for Teams.

adapted from HorseDream International website


the success behind success

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