about us

tailor made


Flexibility: we specialize in personal development programs which adapt to the needs of the people, institutions and their structures.

Situational approach: EQiLeader works with all types and sizes of organizations. The solutions we offer are based on your companies´ or your organizations´ current needs. We categorize companies, organizations and teams in terms of recently formed, mature or in process of merging.
An analysis, using our own methodology, applied at the beginning of the process serves as a guide to develop a tailor made program that responds to the specific situation.

Global presence: EQiLeader forms part of HorseDream International, a network of organizations, leader in the field of Horse Assisted Education .

Clientes: We work with Corporations, Government, Organizations, NGO´s, Educational institutions, as well as small business and individuals. Horse Assisted Coaching has been popular for nearly two decades in Europe. It has expanded over the past decade at a global level, working with companies, organizations and industries of all levels.

Below are the names of some of the companies that have
worked with HorseDream International and HorseDream Partners.

SAP, CISCO, Microsoft, Hewlett Packard, Brainbows Information Management, Nat West Bank/RBS, HBOS Halifax Bank of Scotland,Royal Bank of Scotland, ING Bank, Millenium Bank, Ernst & Young, Shell, Vodafone, Nokia, Soni Ericsson, Kodak, Johnson & Johnson, Bombardier, Continental Tyres, Cleveland Clinic, Police Anti Terror Corps, Weatherland School of Management, Society of Organizational Learners, etc...

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power v.s. force.


coaching with horses

The horse is the metaphor. It represents your team, your company, your project, your strategy, your customer, your obstacles or your challenges.

El Caballo es la metafora. Representa tu equipo, tu empresa, tu proyecto, tu estrategia, tu cliente, tus relaciones, tus obstáculos o tus retos.

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