about us
C for Change. EQiLeader is synonymous with change. Change means riding towards new horizons because they bring us a renovated and distinct vision.
O for Objectives. Dare to dream of what one can be. Develop our full potential, find equilibrium, expand our conscience, increase our efficiency, generate motivation and any objective which leads us to excel.
A for Acquisition of new perspectives. Horses are masters in the art of leadership, communication and respect. They guide and direct you to reflection, to your authenticity, to discovery and to the perfection of your skills, a renewed vision, to creativity and innovative strategies in the control of all types of situations.
C for Commitment. Without commitment from both the guide and the participant there will be no development (progress/breakthrough). The commitment must be mutual.
H for Honing skills. Our goal is to help the participants discover, develop and perfect leadership skills.(of oneself, others, the process and projects)
I for Innovation. Working with horses in conjunction with our methodology, we steer the participants towards new paradigms, provoking them to explore new and innovative ways to problem solving.
N for Natural. Traditional leadership programmes often fail because they are artificial and theoretical. Our process is natural. We focus on non-verbal communication, presence of mind and authenticity, all of which are natural leadership skills. We connect to and let nature lead us.
G for Guide. Discover the way towards plenitude and harmony, be your own guide, restore autonomy, balance, interior wisdom and authenticity. These are the best gifts one can give oneself and this is part of EQiLeader Coaching´s noble objective.
To learn to whisper to horses one first needs to learn to listen to them, profoundly. |
trust. respect. understanding.
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